What is a GeneTrait pharmacogenetic Test?

A simple cheek swab can help you understand which medications may work best for your individual patients based on their unique genetics. This single-time test can help eliminate the expensive, time consuming, and painful trial-and-error process to prescribing medication and quickly achieve better patient outcomes.


Medications and their recommended dosages are designed to treat the "average" person. However, different people can have different responses to the same dose and medication. Pharmacogenetic testing can assist in determining if a particular medication will be effective for you or potentially cause harmful side effects


How common are abnormal reactions? More common than you may think. For example, about 28% of the population does not respond to Plavix as expected. Medications related to mental health, pain management, cardiology, and others are all evaluated with GeneTrait genetic testing.


In addition to genetic testing for medication metabolism, GeneTrait Labs also provides testing for genetic variations that may cause elevated risk of thrombosis, cardiovascular disease, and hyperhomocysteinemia.

Why is the test important?

  • Based on genetics, everyone has the potential to respond to medication differently:
    • Medication is ineffective
    • Patient experiences expected reaction
    • Serious side effect occurs
    • Higher dosage is needed
    • Lower dosage is needed
  • A GeneTrait test can often identify how each patient will respond to common medications
  • Today, adverse drug reactions lead to:
    • 120,000 fatalities annually
    • 2,000,000 hospitalized or injured annually
    • and are the #1 cause of hospital re-admittance within the first 30 days of discharge
  • ... and are often avoidable
  • 1/2 of the medications provided to seniors have no benefit, and many have undesirable side effects
  • With pharmacogenetic testing, savings of $4,000+/patient/year observed in mental health cases

Who should be tested?

Most commonly, pharmacogenetic testing candidates fall into the following categories:
  • Beginning a new treatment regimen
  • Beginning specific medicatons
  • Difficulty with current treatment regimen
  • Pre-surgery
  • After a cardiac event
  • If urine-screening for drug compliance
  • Medication costs are a hardship
  • Mental health patients
  • Pain patients
  • Pregnant patients

Who pays for the test?

  • Medicare
  • Most Medicaid
  • Many private providers

How long does the test take?

A GeneTrait test can be completed using a simple, painless mouth swab test kit shipped to your office by any office staff (no blood draw needed). GeneTrait Laboratories will also supply shipping materials to send the sample to the lab. Within 3-5 business days, reports will be available on a private, online web portal and/or fax directly to the office.

What do I need to know about genetics to interpret the report?

GeneTrait Laboratories has gathered constant feedback from physicians within the clinical field to create an in-house report that is quick, easy and actionable for any provider. A GeneTrait report:
  • Can be evaluated in a matter of seconds
  • Contains interpreted guidance in easy to read natural language
  • Offers dosage alteration and aternatives guidance
  • Contains detailed scientific information for further research, if needed
  • Contains references for further research, if needed
  • Can be changed to meet the specific needs of the provider

How can I order a test for my patients?

A pharmacogenetic test must be ordered by the patient's provider. Because of the nature of the information in a GeneTrait test, the provider is required to receive results in order to interpret findings to the patient. You may request more information, a sales rep visit or testing kits by clicking on the Order tab above.